Thursday, November 24, 2011

On Goodbyes in Manila

All the tears began to well up inside. It's a mix of gratitude and of a strong desire to see them again soon. At some point, you think of how great it is to have them greet you with a smile every morning and the unusual bountiful feast you have every day at every meal. The confusion that goes into choosing to be with something that will end soon over a few hours of work, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity where everyone you care about are there for example, can leave you in limbo for a few weeks too. Somewhere in Manila tonight, there were hugs, kisses, pictures, conversations, songs and dances of goodbyes. 

When those tears that you shed are worth something and everything to you, let them flow... You know that those are not tears of regret. You know it took something for them to be here too and you are never alone in this world. In this season of Thanksgiving and Christmas, there is one more reason to be thankful for this year. You're older and wiser and very creative now. Create to see them soon.

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