Monday, August 9, 2010

Cleaning Act

That next day after my return, I was determined to accomplish something as a free soul, something that I have put off for almost three years. I started rummaging through my two most basic closets. Finally, I had a pile for use-ables, donate-ables and repair-ables. The use-ables were arranged in smaller piles for easy access. The bags were stacked neatly and any extra things went somewhere except back to the two original closets. I put the donate-ables outside and vowed to let them go. Not seeing them helped and I completely forgot about the clothes in that pile before the temptation set in. My make-up kit, accessories, toiletry and medicine box came next. By the end of the day, everything that was tagged unusable was thrown out the trash and things that resembled each other were placed in the same pile. It was also a nice feeling to be reunited with my long-lost possessions hidden somewhere at the bottom of all the stuff.

Cleaning up is not so hard when you find time to get to things and never let anything pile. It also brings such relief now that things have an arbitrary order.  I have to make a conscious choice to stick to this new routine, for the better.

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