Thursday, January 12, 2012

Haids and The Lone Rider

I heard before dinner tonight that my sister's friend Haidee has just passed away so suddenly. Although we were not close, my last memory of her was that she came to our house with all smiles as I was going out and asked me how I was. Thank you, Haids, for that and for being my sister's friend in all of those years. I know you've touched lives in OCCI and you've touched mine tonight. I found TheLoneRider's blog tonight because of a wonderful comment about life that you made almost three years ago. I will put here what you put there. I too have been afraid to act for a few months now. Thank you for inspiring me. I choose to stay true to myself and share myself to the world.

Haid's comment from a thought-provoking post of The Lone Rider:

Haidee Hsu
(Mar 30, 2009) I first came across your blog in search of Manila-based kundalini yoga studios, and I was about to leave your site until I saw your pictures. Your showcase of different adventures resonated with me very much. What stood out was the one with you donned in a chef's attire, pizza on one hand, a glass of wine in another.

You see, this year I had initially set a goal for myself to go on 12 travels/tours in 12 months. However, as this proved to be stretching my budget, I had to be realistic and reassess the value of this goal for me. I realized that basically I just want to experience my spirit of adventure. Something that will make me feel alive (in contrast to being enslaved and "zombie-fied" in a multi-national corporation). So now, my interpretation of my adventures is not limited to just going to places I've never been to; it also includes learning new things, seeing new sights, doing new stuffs. Essentially, living life a bit more than what I have grown accustomed with.

So far, I've read only a few of your entries, like the one wherein you had to fight for what you believe in in your old workplace. And even if your situation initially seemed to bring uncertainty, everything worked out. It's as if a guiding hand has always been there supporting you.

I'm currently in a similar space as you were. And for months, I've been in a limbo, afraid to make a decision, afraid to act. Your experience reminded me to just trust the now, the future, that there's a guiding force telling me to trust myself. That I am enough, and what ever life throws at me, I'll be able to make it.

Your achievements, at least my interpretation of them, are what I want for myself: experiences that will make me say "if God decides to take me now, I'll die happy." I feel your sincerity and truth with your stories, how you are in tune with who you are, and sharing your life with the world shows me how giving a person you are. I hope I'll be able to be same: true to myself, and giving of myself. Thank you for inspiring me. 

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